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Usability Analysis

What has turned potential customers away from you site?

What We Do

What is Website Usability Analysis

A Website Usability Analysis can identify issues on the website which turn away potential customers. Our user-experts walk through the site as a customer/site visitor would and notice any issues that may block people from being able to easily use your site.

Usability analysis can turn up problems with design, layout, copy, or functions, and is perfect for existing sites that aren't performing up to their potential, or locate the direction and area to improve.

Web site usability involves enhancing your web site in the way that contents are precious and understandable, interface is graphically appealing well the navigation is intuitive to follow.

By ensuring that your website is usable, you are more likely to increase productivity, guarantee repeated visits, and thus increase your revenue.

What is the most commom problem

Usability is a combination of factors that affect a user's experience with your product or system, including ease of learning, efficiency of use, error frequency & severity, and satisfaction. some typical problems that affect a user's experience are:
  • Confusing navigation structure
  • Slow loading on home page
  • Difficulty for first-time and infrequent users to learn the interface quickly and navigate to the desired item quickly
  • Complicated procedures, over layers steps to accomplish certain tasks
  • Trouble remembering the interface or process on return visits
  • Frequency of errors in the system
  • Lack of satisfaction with the overall design of the system
  • No - professional copy

The Solutions - Website Usability Analysis

Our usability analysis incorporates tactical implementation recommendations for each proposed feature. The SmartSolution usability focus will ensure that busy SEIU members, employees and stakeholders get the most out of the tools, processes and technology applied throughout the site. The following usability principles guide the overall process:
  1. Ease of learning - Users are able to grasp the system functionality readily and start using it quickly. This is especially important for new members, overall interaction among the membership and with suppliers in the marketplace.
  2. Efficiency of use - Once a user understands how to use the system, they are productive in its use and in the user's frame of reference.
  3. Memorability - For repeat users, it is much easier to recall how to use the system after a period of absence or within site areas and functions that are used less frequently.
  4. Minimization of errors - The system is built to minimize user errors. When a problem occurs, the system behaves graciously toward the user and provides them with a clear way out of their problem.
  5. Subjective satisfaction - Elegant design and convenience are very important to deliver a positive, emotional impression on the user. It is this critical aspect that ensures the person will return to the site.
These key aspects form the framework of the usability analysis and are the basis upon which the overall design is conducted. By focusing on user goals and ease of use, we help clients meet business and organizational needs more effectively and profitably while increasing stakeholder loyalty.

Target of Improvments

  1. Improved download times
  2. Improved consistency in navigation flows
  3. Decreased cost of customer/user support
  4. Easier to understand design for users
  5. Reduced site maintenance costs
  6. More repeat visits
  7. Web Site Usability Services
  8. User Interface Expert Evaluations

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